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Dogs Bond Board Game

What would our project be without some stories about rescue dogs? This is a feel good story you're going to love.

Meet Aurora (left) and Freya (right). These are two 5-week old Great Pyrenees Mutt Mixes. Obviously there are some very dominant Great Pyrenees traits going on here; but what's most important is that they now have loving homes!

Both of these puppies came from known owners and are being adopted by two of Alex's friends. Aurora will be living in California and Freya will move to Washington but the great news is that they'll still be able to see each other every so often because their new humans know each other very well.

In the future, I'll be working with our Partner Rescues to try to get more Happy Tails stories! For now, if you're eager to get us a story for Happy Tails please email us at and we'll work to get your story online!

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Ever seen those really creative posts that set a tone or a mood before they tell you what's going on? Nevermind that! Let's get right to it!

Production wise we're moving forwards as fast as we possibly can. Here's what we've been working on since our last update.

  1. Color corrections from the printer - as we've been working with the printing vendor for our game, the color saturation values in our artwork seemed to be missing something and getting a little lost in the print. Sarah and Kiki are working diligently and carefully to make sure that our game has that great look that you'll enjoy visiting with - even if you're not playing the game!

  2. The Game "Feel" - getting the right paper feel for the game can make a great deal of difference. You know the kinds of card games where any bit of water will melt your game? We didn't want that either. We're looking at getting a higher quality of paper and matte finish which means that your game cards will last a lot longer!

  3. The Kickstarter Exclusive Backer's Choice Dice - this part of the project we know you'll be really excited about. Once we have the mockup in hand, the quality and difference will be abundantly clear. Kickstarter Backers were able to voice their opinion into what kind of design would be on our special Kickstarter dice and we're almost ready to reveal the results and the design!

Timelines are challenging in today's world due to several challenges that the Global Health Crisis present. That said, we're actually doing well on our list of to-do's as well as moving quickly with suppliers and vendors that know how to prioritize health and human safety while getting the job done!

Up Next

  1. Pre-Production Copy Review - Alex and Sarah are getting together to review the print of the game. This is a critical step because digital colors, printing, and design can sometimes have minor problems that you cannot solve over a video chat. The team will use their human eyes to review every single aspect of the pre-production copy to ensure that Dogs BOND and high quality are synonymous.

  2. Dogs BOND Instructions - As you can imagine, writing the rulebook for a game is a lot of fun but it's also got to anticipate many answers for folks prior to them getting into the game. We're using everything that we've been learning at virtual conferences, virtual playtesting, and of course conversations with our own friends and family to make the instructions simple and clear.

We are still on target to deliver by May 2021! There are still a few hurdles for us to get through but the major challenges are definitely behind us. Now we are dogging the details!

Pre-Orders Still Open: We're still able to put forwards official Dogs BOND copies out at a preorder price. If you haven't yet, please consider sharing our project with a friend or twelve!

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We have opened up the Pledge Manager - CrowdOx - to everyone! Through CrowdOx you can update your "ship to" address if you need to and we will take care of you. We are still on target to print, quality/safety test, and deliver the games in May 2021. Please fill out your CrowdOx surveys if you haven't already!

BACKERS: You should have received an email survey. This is our process to confirm your order, and ensure that the shipping address that you have is correct. We are collecting shipping information and fees now so that when the game arrives we can send the games as soon as possible.

Plan on moving between now and May 2021? Use CrowdOx to update your shipping information in a snap.

Have you talked about the game and a friend asked you to get them a copy? Use CrowdOx to update your pledge order at any time.


Is CrowdOx an official Dogs BOND seller?

Yes. We are working with them to host us now that we can take preorders but are still in the process of getting printing and child safety testing done.

I don't want to add anything to my pledge, do I have to answer the survey? Yes. The survey is how we are systemizing the shipping confirmations for the project. Sorry for the multiple messages on that.

Are you already shipping? No, we're just collecting the information and votes at this time. We are just as excited (if not more!) for the games to be printed and shipped to you. ESTIMATED TIME FOR DELIVERY MAY 2021.

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