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Dogs Bond Board Game

Social Media for Rescues: Mar 2022


March 2022. Two years ago we were in full swing of building and developing the board game. Several playtests were scheduled and conferences were going to be attended. Then the world changed. Hard to believe that we changed the way we operate so long ago, but at the same time we are looking forwards to many things opening back up!

I've been helping tangentially with rescuing a puppy dog that lives in the wall. Literally, she lives in the wall and we haven't given her a name. We've gotten her shots and we feed her raw chicken.

I'm working hard to expand Dogs BOND's pawprints and we are currently working a deal to potentially start distribution out of South Africa!

And we had a great story about a friend of the project going to the local game shop and they were SOLD OUT!

Lots happening, and we are focused on the pawsitive and the future.

Let's take a look at the upcoming global hashtags and trends that I hope will inspire some of our rescue partners in their content creation this month. If you see a day and a global hashtag that you want to use, go ahead! Let us contribute our likes, retweets, and shares to you - just tag us using @dogsbondgame on any of your posts!


Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still listing us as robots when we like/follow as many of the rescues as we do - so please like/follow us using your social media first so we can hit that "Follow Back" button.

Find us @dogsbondgame on all of your favorite social media


Poison Prevention Awareness Month - Not just for small children, we all know that curiosity and sometimes boredom will yield disastrous results.

Mar 6 to Mar 12 - Professional Pet Sitters Week - Let's hear it for those who go the extra mile and give us those wonderful pupdates about our furry family members. Share a true story!

Mar 20 to Mar 26 - National Poison Prevention Week - An emphasis cannot be placed on this enough. We all need that reminder to check under our sink cabinets to make sure that there's nothing loose or in a dangerous location.


Mar 1: #CorgiDay - Yeah, gonna see this a LOT.

Mar 3: #IfPetsHadThumbsDay - Can you imagine how fast all of your jars would be open?

Mar 4: #EmployeeAppreciationDay - There's no bad time to say 'Thank You'

Mar 7: #InternationalWomensDay - Thank you to all the women who are breaking barriers, shattering glass ceilings, and being incredible.

Mar 11: #PopcornLoversDay - Do you have a dog that loves popcorn? I know several!

Mar 16: #StPatricksDay - Show up in green!

Mar 19: #WorldStorytellingDay - We know that when you are at the game table, there's no better time or place to tell stories together.

Mar 22: #NationalPuppyDay - Uh, DUH!

Mar 27: #NationalTerrierDay - We love our terriers! Smudge is the inspiration behind the Jack Russell Terrier's special ability in game! See him in my photo below!

Mar 28: #RespectYourCatDay - Why am I not at all surprised that immediately after a terrier day, there's a cat day?!

Mar 29: #MomandPopBusiness Day - celebrate our local merchants. Celebrate their thriving through these most challenging past years.

Mar 30: #NationalWalkInTheParkDay - Well, you know who is going to be up for this! Your best friend on four legs.

Mar 31: #TransgenderDayofVisibility - Boardgaming is one of the most inclusive hobbies out there; and we are proud to support you no matter what your pronouns are.

Mar 31: #EqualPayDay - Equal work should be paid for equally.

Wow! Hopefully this set of social media hashtags and content help you out and you can share them with your audience. I see tons of our partners viewing these updates so we'll keep on going.



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